First work planning meeting within the project “Jointly with the experience of SENIORS, Your voice escalates”
”Parteneriat Social” Association, Leova town, is implementing the project “Jointly with the experience of SENIORS, Your voice escalates”, financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, with the support of the “Representation of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Republic of Moldova”. The time scale of the project is November 01, 2019 – October 31, 2020, aiming at encouraging and supporting 800 seniors and 50 young people from 5 localities of Leova rayon to participate in the rayon and local decision-making process.
The first work planning meeting took place on 1st of November, at the headquarter of ”Parteneriat Social” Association, attended by the whole project team members.
On the occasion of this first event, there were presented and discussed such issues as: importance of following a specific plan of activities and the reporting of project progress; efficient and transparent management of the project’s financial resources; planning and carrying out the acquisition process; approving the project work plan for the first three months and identifying/planning quite specific activities for the November month, as well as potential risks and obstacles that might arise during project implementation and how to identify and address them appropriately.
Contact information:
”Parteneriat Social” Public Association, Leova Town
Telephone / Fax: +373 263 – 2-20-40
This publication was elaborated with the financial support of the European Union. Its content falls under the direct responsibility of the project „Jointly with the experience of SENIORS, Your voice escalates” and does not necessary reflect the points of view of the European Union.