Seniors are getting involved in the decision-making process in Filipeni village

On 20.02.2020, the members of Seniors’ Council traveled to Filipeni village, in order to participate at the local council session. Filipeni is one of the village, were citizens do care about their community, are quite receptive to proposals/initiatives coming from local public administration and do get involved in community development.

Due to the project “Along with the experience of Seniors, Your voice escalates”, financed by the European Union and the “Representation of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Republic of Moldova”, citizens are being given one more opportunity, which is to openly participate and freely engage in constructive dialogue with LPA representatives. More that, Filipeni village is leaded by one of the youngest Mayor in the Republic of Moldova, who highly appreciate the goal of our project, personally participated in some activities and publically declared his support.

We have noticed the same support when our seniors attended the local council session were presented the opinion document, containing a wide range of problems and proposals, identified by seniors and young people. There was a quite engaging dialogue, where participants, including active seniors and young people from community, expressed their opinions. We were happy to notice that more than 50 participants attended the session, setting up a good example to share with other communities.

We do hope and believe that the opinion document will be further taken into consideration when taking local decision of public interest and set a platform of discussions and collaboration between LPA representatives and citizens from Filipeni community.

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